Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Ascension of the Lord

Today, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. From a homily by Pope Benedict XVI:

The meaning of this last gesture of Jesus is twofold. Above all, ascending on “high,” he unequivocally reveals his divinity: He returns to where he came from, that is, to God, after having fulfilled his mission on earth. Moreover, Christ ascends to heaven with the humanity he had assumed and which has resurrected from the dead: That humanity is ours, transfigured, divinized, made eternal. The Ascension, therefore, reveals the “supreme vocation” (Gaudium et Spes, no. 22) of every human person – called to the eternal life of the kingdom of God, kingdom of love, light and peace.
Pope Benedict XVI, Regina Caeli Address, 21 May 2006

Those of you praying the Novena in Honor of the Holy Spirit are now praying Day 3 and counting down the days until Pentecost. Click here for our earlier blog posting that gives details about praying that novena.