CatholicTV is the world's first diocesan television station, founded in the 1950's in Boston. They have now launched their new "CatholicTV" iPhone app.
Here's the announcement from their blog site.
iPhone/iPod Touch owners can now download the world’s first iPhone application by a Catholic television network, courtesy of CatholicTV. CatholicTV began broadcasting the Mass over 50 years ago (Now there are over 60 programs available). The new iPhone application gives users access to full-length video of the Daily Mass produced by CatholicTV, the full rosary, and even current Catholic news. The “app” is free and can be downloaded onto the iPhone and the iPod touch.
The new “app” is called “CatholicTV”. It also includes a daily video reflection by a Catholic person. The daily reflection features Catholics of various ages from grade school to 70+. Daily reflections feature notable Catholics such as Monsignor Jim Lisante, Fr. Leo Patalinghug, Fr. Jim Bayhi, musician Angelina Davis, and others.
The CatholicTV app will also include information on “What’s New” at CatholicTV. “What’s New” includes Catholic Newsbreak and video footage from “Rome Reports”, which is produced by the Vatican News Service.
The Daily Mass offered in the CatholicTV app features different priests every day. The rosary is filmed in different places including Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in Los Angeles, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and other locations as well.
Catholics who do not own an iPhone or an iPod iTouch can enjoy CatholicTV for free at CatholicTV.com and at iTunes.com. CatholicTV produced an entertaining promotional video about the app featuring a nun and some Catholic students. The video is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjFKyCrivqk
More information on the CatholicTV iphone app is available at www.CarryYourFaith.com
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