The Pastor’s Corner
As mentioned last weekend, this weekend we celebrate Monsignor Melancon's and Monsignor Metrejean's 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Congratulations to them both! Monsignor Metrejean's anniversary was celebrated Friday evening at Our Lady Queen of Angels, and we celebrate Monsignor Melancon's anniversary today at the 10am Mass followed by a reception at Opelousas Catholic.
Monsignor began his priestly ministry here at St. Landry in 1963, serving as a teacher at AIC, and now is in residence here. He has spent, altogether, some 23 years of his priestly ministry serving the Opelousas area, including stays not only here at St. Landry, but also at St. Peter in Grand Prairie and at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Opelousas. Monsignor has been a great gift to our community, and he continues to be a vital part of it in his continued service, especially to our children at Opelousas Catholic. Words cannot adequately express the value of Monsignor's presence to our community or the gratitude that we have. However, knowing Monsignor, a simple "thank you" more than suffices. So let us all "thank" him and celebrate God's gift to us by his presence in, and his service to, our community.
Monsignor: Happy Anniversary! Thank You! God Bless You!
God Bless!
Father James Brady
The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.
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