The Pastor’s Corner
Sunday, we celebrate our re-scheduled parish picnic after the 10am Mass. The picnic had to be postponed last month due to inclement weather. Let’s hope the weather cooperates this time! The picnic is our parish community’s celebration of Easter. Being Pentecost as well, we hope that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we spread the Good News of Christ to all we come into contact. Please join us for the fun and fellowship!
Some good news for our brothers and sisters at St. Peter’s in Grand Prairie. Bishop Jarrell has appointed Fr. D. Blaine Clement as Pastor, effective July 1, 2013. With Fr. Clement becoming pastor of St. Peter’s, my role as administrator will end. We thank all the priests who helped at St. Peter’s over the course of the last year, including Fr. Jerry Mesley, Fr. Austin Leger, Fr. Conley Bertrand, Fr. Sonny Brown, Fr. Joshua Guillory, Fr. Kevin Bordelon, Fr. D. Blaine Clement, and especially Msgr. Melancon. Without these priests, the sacramental work would not have been possible. Thanks to you also for your patience, kindness and support over the last year.
We did not need to conduct our Parish Advisory Board elections lastweekend as there were not as many nominees as open positions. I am happy to announce that Mrs. Lori Briggs and Mr. Howard Fournier have accepted appointments to the board for a three year term. Thanks to both of them for their willingness to serve our parish community in this capacity.
A reminder that next weekend we will celebrate Msgr. Melancon’s 50th Anniversary of priestly ordination. The celebration will take place at the 10am Mass followed by a reception at the Opelousas Catholic cafeteria. All are invited, so please make plans to join us!
Finally, congratulations to the Opelousas Catholic Class of 2013! Our seniors graduate Friday night, May 17 and now embark on their journey into adult life. Please keep them in your prayers, especially for the intention that they bring the Light of Christ to the world in the lives that they lead.
God Bless!
Father James Brady
The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.
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