The Pastor’s Corner
Happy Mother's Day!! Unfortunately, I will not be here today in person to wish you happy Mother's Day, as I will be handling the weekend schedule at St. Peter's in Grand Prairie.
Today, we celebrate motherhood, a most wonderful vocation dedicated to the nurturing and Christian formation of children (regardless of the age of the children!). The good of children is entrusted to mothers and fathers by God. The vocation of motherhood is first and foremost taught by the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and is best exemplified incarnately by Our Blessed Mother, Her being a model of Christian discipleship.
Motherhood is first and foremost a blessing and gift from God. As in all things, God teaches us how to properly respond to the gifts He gives. In other words, what is truly "good" is taught to us by God. Therefore, the standard for being a "good" mother is provided by God in the life of His Son and taught by His Church, as well as the good example of saintly mothers, especially our Blessed Mother.
In every generation there is "conventional wisdom" of what being a "good mother" means. Indeed, the specific circumstances of a mother's life does impact what it takes to be a good mother. However, the core of a mother's mission remains constant in every generation and never changes: Nurturing by word and deed the seeds of salvation God has planted in their children so that their children can one day live in the Communion of Saints in heaven. Any conventional wisdom that is inconsistent with this core mission does not teach "good" motherhood.
Today, we thank all our mothers who have given to each of us true goodness in the lives that they lead. We pray for all mothers who struggle in their vocation through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, the Seat of Wisdom. We pray also, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, the Mother of Consolation, for mothers whose children have passed from this life into the next. Finally, we thank God for the blessing of children and motherhood in His plan of salvation!!
God Bless!
Father James Brady
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