The Pastor’s Corner
If all is going well on our pilgrimage to France by Sunday, we will have visited the village of Lourdes, home of St. Bernadette Soubirous, to whom our Blessed Mother appeared some 18 times in 1858. Both St. Bernadette and Our Blessed Mother are depicted in the large stained glass window in the south wing of the church. We will have also viewed her incorrupt body at Nevers. We then will have visited the village of Ars, where St. John Vianney ("The Cure of Ars") was pastor from 1818 to 1859. His incorrupt body is interred in the basilica there. The basilica, for the most part, was constructed under his pastorate in this tiny village. He is the patron saint of parish priests, and his statue is located in the south wing of the church. After Ars, we will have travelled to Paray le-Monial, where Jesus appeared to St. Magaret Mary Alocquet in 1675 and asked that First Fridays be devoted to His Sacred Heart. This apparition is depicted in the large stained glass window in the north wing of the church.
This week we will visit Chartres to tour one of the most beautiful and best preserved cathedrals in the world, built in 1195. We will then travel to Paris where we will visit sites that depict or were founded by our patron, St. Landry. Besides other secular places of interest, we hope to make a trip to Lisieux, home of St. Therese, who is depicted in a statue in the north wing of the church, as well as the Sacra Coeur (Sacred Heart) Basilica. Please be sure to keep our group in your prayers for a safe return home, and know that we are keeping you in our prayers as we visit these holy places. May these holy saints continue to inspire all of us to imitate Jesus in our daily lives!
God Bless!
Father James Brady
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