The Pastor’s Corner
This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, marking the end of the Easter Octave. The Easter Octave is the eight day celebration of Easter from Easter Sunday until Divine Mercy Sunday. We continue the Easter season until Pentecost Sunday in May. Looking back over the last couple of months, we have so much to be thankful for as a church parish, especially to those who made our Lent and Easter so beautiful and spiritually meaningful. We are blessed to have Msgr. Melancon living in our parish. He took on extra duties during Lent here at St. Landry and at Opelousas Catholic, helping to lead both us and our children through Lent. We are also blessed with three deacons, Deacon Diesi, Deacon Joubert and Deacon Miller, who also did the same joyfully and without reservation. Our parish staff, both office and maintenance, also did an outstanding job in cheerfully handling the extra work that always come during this time of year. If you have the opportunity, please express your appreciation to them.
However, without the support of so many of you, the celebration of Lent and Easter would not have been as beautiful and meaningful as it was. It began with Ash Wednesday and our Altar Society appropriately decorating our church. Many worked long hours to provide our new statue covers for passiontide (both violet and red) and new appointments for Easter (white altar covers and a cover for the crucifix). The Altar Society worked throughout Lent and Easter to make our church look more beautiful for our spiritual benefit. A generous parishioner provided the "Little Black Books" which so many of us found spiritually fruitful in preparing for Easter, and our Parish Advisory Board sponsored a "soup and bread" dinner after Stations of the Cross on Fridays. Our choir and music ministers did an outstanding job during the seasons, but especially during passiontide and the Easter Triduum. Our sacristans, altar servers, readers, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion served reverently and competently. Our blog was most informative about the meaning of the seasons and what was going on in our church parish. Some cut palms for Palm Sunday, while others cultivated our gardens around the church. Our suppliers ably and competently provided things we needed (obviously, we thank Jim Durio Florist for the beautiful flowers, but we also had a sound system problem and an air conditioner motor breakdown during Holy Week! These things were immediately repaired by Phil Borel and Wayne Bergeron, respectively, in time for the Easter Triduum). So many people helped in so many ways. We thank and appreciate all of you!
I also want to thank all of you who participated in our liturgies and activities during Lent and Easter. It is usual during Lent that attendance at daily Mass and Stations of the Cross increase, especially at the beginning of the season. After a few weeks, however, attendance usually shrinks a bit. This year, not only did attendance not shrink, but it generally increased over the season! Our confessional was busy, enough so that we many times had to hear confessions both before and after our daily Mass! These things indicate a healthy spiritual life within our parish and a living out of the Lent and Easter seasons within our hearts. It also encourages others by example and solidarity in our faith. This is most important to our community, and make for a most joyful Easter in the most important way, in our hearts and souls!
Thanks again to all! May God Bless you during the Easter Season, Alleluia, Alleluia!! God Bless!
Father James Brady
The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.
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