The Pastor’s Corner
This weekend, we will continue our Easter celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation when our Confirmation candidates are confirmed at the 5pm Mass today. Msgr. Curtis Mallet will be the celebrant at the Mass and will administer the sacrament. With grateful hearts we welcome him to our parish for this celebration.
The Confirmation class has been preparing since January for the reception of the sacrament, and we celebrate with joy their new status as fully initiated Catholics. We pray that they will cooperate with the graces received in the sacrament and will live Christian lives in imitation of Jesus as taught by His Church. Please remember the candidates in your individual prayer.
Thanks for a job well done to Deacon Joubert, who led the formation program for our candidates, and to Mrs. Lois Joubert, who administratively coordinated the program. We also want to thank the class itself for their service project to the parish. They painted the retaining wall on the west side of the parking lot as well as the bottom of the church building. The project has made the decorum of our church building more consistent with the architecture and appointments of our grounds, and they did a very good job on the project! Many words of appreciation have come from our community for the job well done.
On another note, this week 37 pilgrims, including myself and many of our parishioners, will be leaving for France on a pilgrimage. We will be touring areas where many of the images in our church building originated, including the tomb of our patron, St. Landry, located in Paris. Know that you will be in my prayers, and please be sure to keep the pilgrims in yours!
God Bless!
Father James Brady
The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.
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