Good morning from the blog of St. Landry Catholic Church in Opelousas, Louisiana.
We've added some additional folks on our mail list recently as requested by Monsignor J. Robert Romero and the ladies in our parish office. If you are receiving this email and would like to be removed from receiving any more emails from us, please just reply to this email telling us to remove you and we'll take you off.
Our main website is located at http://www.stlandrycatholicchurch.org/. There, you will find all sorts of contact information, copies of the parish bulletin, a photo gallery, information about current events happening, and you can even listen to the homilies from each Sunday ... sometimes called podcasts. There is a calendar there listing events and masses throughout the year. There are also prayers and prayer intentions. We even have a section devoted to Lt. Father Verbis Lafleur, a great priest who gave his life following Christ and serving his fellow man.
Our blog is located at http://stlandrycatholicchurch.blogspot.com/. There, you will find updates about things happening in our parish as well as events happening in our Catholic Church around the world.
You can also follow us via Twitter: http://twitter.com/StLandryCath. Twitter allows us the opportunity to update folks interested in our parish life on a very timely basis.
These updates ... website, blog, Twitter, podcasts ... are all part of our answer to the challenge from the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI to make use of new technologies to evangelise. We hope you find the information we send useful, enjoyable, and helpful in your spiritual growth.
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