Our prior posting references St. Therese and Priests including the events at the Carmelite Monastery in Lafayette, Louisiana.
As we approach the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, Thursday, October 1, there are many events happening world wide. Currently, a reliquary containing the relics of St. Therese is touring England and Wales for an entire month. St. Therese had a very short life and taught that acts of heroic virtue aren't the only thing that define saints. Doing everyday things with great love and without complaint are core to her vision of a saintly life.
Here is a short article on the tour in the Times of London: click here.
Here is an article on why we should venerate relics from the Catholic Herald in the UK: click here.
And this is a detailed article on St. Therese and the tour of her relics: click here.
Lastly, here is the website of the Society of the Little Flower where you can find prayers and prayer cards and a whole host of things related to her: click here.
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