CatholicTV is airing an episode tomorrow, September 15, 2009, on how a person becomes canonized. Specifically, the show will discuss Blessed Father Francis Xavier Seelos, C.Ss.R.
Father Seelos was a Redemptorist priest who passed away in New Orleans in 1867 from yellow fever. He was declared Blessed on April 9, 2000 and his feast day is October 5. The National Seelos Shrine and Seelos Center is in New Orleans.
The show will be on air Tuesday at 8:30 AM and again at 7 PM. CatholicTV is not available on cable in the Opelousas area. You can watch it on Catholic TV's website http://www.CatholicTV.org. After Tuesday's airing, it will be stored in the site's archives allowing you to watch it at any time you please.
The website for information on Blessed Father Seelos is http://www.seelos.org.
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