Saturday, January 24, 2015

Bulletin for the Week of January 25, 2015 and the Pastor's Corner

The Pastor’s Corner 

On Thursday of last week we marked the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which required states to legalize abortion. Since that date, some 50 plus million children were never given the opportunity to live the life God intended to give them, something we may take for granted.  Science is slowly but surely catching up to what we have always known in faith, that life begins at the time of conception and should be nurtured and protected from that time, just like any human being who has been born.  In this day and age, the value of human life and its dignity is not fully recognized by the world in general, nor in our society in particular.  It would be naive and foolish to believe that many of our recent tragic events which we all mourn as a nation, whether it be terrorism or school shootings, are not related to this lack of respect for human life in general.  Let's do our best in word and action to help change the minds and hearts of all, to respect and cherish all human life as the gift from God that it is, and to respect and dignify all people not only in the big things, but in the little things.

The Catholic Church has been in the forefront of the movement to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision. More importantly, though, our Church has been in the forefront of trying to change the minds and hearts of individuals and our society about abortion.  We do this in several ways, not the least of which is to publicly protest the injustice of abortion.  In that regard, last week a group of students from Opelousas Catholic and other groups from our area traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Pro-Life Rally and March for Life.  The March for Life is the longest sustained annual civil rights protest in our nation.  Not all of us can travel to Washington, D.C. each year, so many of us also participated in our local march here in Opelousas this weekend.

On a more personal level, and in Christian charity, we all have a duty to help those who participate or have participated in abortion to see the immorality of the act, be they the mothers, the fathers, the doctors or the nurses.  If we know someone considering an abortion, we should try to persuade them to give life to their child.  We should not be afraid to voice the right thing to do and try to persuade their hearts and minds.  Additionally, we have a duty to help those who have participated in abortion to heal, especially on a spiritual level, as no sin is greater than God's mercy.  Project Rachel is a diocesan program designed for men and woman who have participated in abortion and tries to provide healing of the wound left by the abortion.  If you know of anyone who might benefit from this program, please inform them of the program's availability so that they, who often are also victims of abortion because of the harm it has done to them, might begin the healing process.  For information, they can call our office or contact the Diocese of Lafayette directly.

Let us do what we can to help our society become more just and loving in its respect of the dignity of all people to whom God has given the gift of life!

      God Bless

      Father James Brady

The bulletin for the week of January 25, 2015 has been posted. Click here to see it.

The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.

Updates are also being made to our St. Landry Catholic Church blog. You can get to the blog from the church home page under the Bulletins and News section or you can just click here to go to it.

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