The Pastor’s Corner
In our homily last week, we discussed Pope Francis’ emphasis on proclaiming the Good News of God's Mercy in the forgiveness of our sins. In order to receive God's Mercy, we must first realize our own need for mercy. In that regard, we must first acknowledge that we are all sinners (if we were not sinners, then why the need for His mercy?) and repent. Pope Francis himself acknowledges his own sinfulness and need for continued repentance in his own life. With repentance (meaning sorrow for our sins and the desire to not sin again), God's Mercy is available to all, regardless of what we have done in the past. God's memory is short for the truly repentant. That indeed is good news!!
Pope Francis has emphasized from the beginning of his papacy our relationship with each other in light of God's Mercy towards each of us individually. This mercy is modeled for us by the life of Jesus. As recipients of God's Mercy, we must be merciful toward each other and are commanded to love each other, just as Jesus did, truly seeking good for each other by being selfless in our lives.
For ourselves, we must remember that in our relationship with each other, our love (or charity) should not be conditioned on the "goodness" we perceive in others, any more than God's love for us is conditioned on perceived "goodness." In other words, true charity is unconditional in this respect.
Imitating God's Love is indeed a tall order for Christians, especially in our society, which at times is quite unforgiving and unmerciful. It is easy to slip into the thought process of being charitable (or not) because of the perceived "worthiness" of the recipient. While fulfilling our family or societal obligations, our available resources or prudence may certainly impact our decisions on how to be charitable toward one another, the perceived "worthiness" of the recipient should not if we are going to truly imitate Christ. Let us all renew our dedication to love as Jesus did!
God Bless!
Pope Francis has emphasized from the beginning of his papacy our relationship with each other in light of God's Mercy towards each of us individually. This mercy is modeled for us by the life of Jesus. As recipients of God's Mercy, we must be merciful toward each other and are commanded to love each other, just as Jesus did, truly seeking good for each other by being selfless in our lives.
For ourselves, we must remember that in our relationship with each other, our love (or charity) should not be conditioned on the "goodness" we perceive in others, any more than God's love for us is conditioned on perceived "goodness." In other words, true charity is unconditional in this respect.
Imitating God's Love is indeed a tall order for Christians, especially in our society, which at times is quite unforgiving and unmerciful. It is easy to slip into the thought process of being charitable (or not) because of the perceived "worthiness" of the recipient. While fulfilling our family or societal obligations, our available resources or prudence may certainly impact our decisions on how to be charitable toward one another, the perceived "worthiness" of the recipient should not if we are going to truly imitate Christ. Let us all renew our dedication to love as Jesus did!
Father James Brady
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