The Pastor’s Corner
This week we will celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day on Friday, November 1 and Saturday, November 2, respectively. This time of year we focus on those who have completed their earthly life and have gone before us from this life to the next. On All Saints Day, we thank God for all the saints who have gone before us and have left us models for living our Christian faith, whether they be canonized or not. They now live in the presence of God in eternal joy interceding for us, and are appropriately referred to as the Church Triumphant.
On All Souls Day, we remember those who have gone before us but have not yet reached full union with God in heaven, and we pray for them to enter the Gates of Heaven. They are in purgatory, and are referred to as the Church Suffering (not suffering in the sense of physical pain, but suffering because they lack the complete joy and peace that is given by God in heaven). These souls are also referred to as the Church Expectant, as one day they will know full union with God.
As always, it is touching to see so many of you cleaning and repairing the graves of your family members in the cemetery, remembering that those who went before us are not dead, but rather are still a living part of our Church, and the place that houses their earthly body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, should be cared for by us who remain. We will pray for them at a Memorial Mass on All Souls Day (Saturday, November 2) at a special 10am Mass. We thank Lafond Ardoin Funeral Home for their help in assisting us in coordinating this Mass, and I hope that you are able to join us then for remembrance and prayer. We will also have our annual blessing of the cemetery that same day after the 4pm Mass.
A reminder that All Saints Day is a Solemnity and a Holy Day of Obligation, so we are obliged to attend Mass that day just as if it was a Sunday. The schedule Masses are as follows:
Thursday, October 31 - 5:30pm
Friday, November 1 - 8:40am (Opelousas School Mass); 12:05pm and 5:30pm.
Because All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, if one misses Mass that day without good reason, it is considered, objectively, a serious matter and one should not receive Holy Communion without first making a Sacramental Confession. In addition, please note that our parish offices will be closed Friday in celebration of All Saints Day.
God Bless!
Father James Brady
October 26th, Saturday 5:30pm Myrtle Grove Cemetery
October 27th, Sunday 2:00pm Bellevue Memorial Cemetery
November 1st, Friday 12:15pm Garden of Memories & Serenity Memorial Garden
November 2nd, Saturday After 4:0 0pm Mass St. Landry Cemetery
This weekend the Catholic Daughters will be handing out white ribbons after all the Masses. The program is
called W.R.A.P. which stands for "White Ribbons Against Pornography." The color white is the symbol of
purity. With the advent of the internet age, large amounts of information has become readily available, both
good and bad. This includes pornography, which has permeated the internet since its beginning. Pornography
has many victims, from the participants to the viewers, and causes many problems for them on many different
emotional and psychological levels, and can especially affect children. W.R.A.P. is intended to raise awareness of this danger; but awareness is just a first step. There must also be action, and for parents the key word for action is "vigilance," especially in protecting children. Let us pray for those who participate in pornography and for its end, but let us also make sure that we are vigilant in the protection of our children from its harmful effects by monitoring and policing what our children see and hear!

The bulletin for the week of October 27, 2013 has been posted.
Click here to see it.
The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at
our calendar here.
Updates are also being made to our St. Landry Catholic Church blog. You can get to the blog from the church home page under the Bulletins and News section or you can just
click here to go to it.
Don't forget, we're also sending out live updates via Twitter. Our Twitter name is StLandryCath. You can see updates by
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