Sunday, March 21, 2010

Information on The Immaculate Conception Bell: ringing times, prayers, and an insert

From Monsignor J. Robert Romero:

I have heard good words from parishioners as our church bell is back in operation. With today’s bulletin, please find an insert updating parishioners of the times the bell tolls and swings. As the former equipment was damaged by lightning, Catholic Mutual, our insurance company, has replaced the equipment minus the deductible. This equipment replacement does more than the former equipment did. The new equipment is a ‘state of the art’ computer system and allows us to do more with our one bell. The insert explains all the many times and ways the bell calls us to conversation with God. Remember the bell was donated to us by the Catholic Daughters of America (they were called The Daughters of Isabella then.) In two more years, the bell will be 100 years old, as the installation was in November, 1912.

From the opening paragraph of the insert:
As parishioners have noticed, our bell, donated to St. Landry Catholic Church by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Number 119, cast in April 1912, and installed in November 1912, is back in operation. We may remember some time ago it stopped ringing as a result of lightning striking some of the equipment. We were able to get it running on October 30, 2009 using 1960’s technology. Recently, we removed the 1960’s technology and have installed a ‘state of the art’ computer system to manage the ringing of the bell. This allows us to have the one bell do several types of ringing. These are the Angelus, Call to Worship, De Profundis, Hours of the Day, and other times. I would like to update parishioners about these.

Click here to read the rest and download the whole insert:  The Bell Insert in PDF form