The Pastor’s Corner
During this time of the year, the "ordination season," we celebrate ordinations to Holy Orders. As you all know, we celebrated Monsignor Melancon's 50th Anniversary to the priesthood in May. What a wonderful celebration it was. At St. Landry, we are also blessed with three deacons who actively serve us: Deacon John Miller, Deacon Sammy Diesi, and Deacon Dwayne Joubert. They serve our community in various capacities, from our youth group to our elderly shut-ins. They are a great help to me personally and to our church community as a whole, and we thank them for responding "Yes" to God's call. Each of their anniversaries are celebrated this time of year, so we want to thank them for their service and remember them and their families in our prayers. Their ordination dates are as follows:
Deacon Miller: June 27, 1977
Deacon Diesi: September 9, 2006
Deacon Joubert: August 18, 2012
Please remember them especially in your prayers on their anniversary dates. We also want to remember the two deacons who have served here at St. Landry and have passed to the next life: Deacon Carlo Cannatella and Deacon Arthur B. Lognion. We pray for their eternal rest with Christ and the continued consolation of their families and friends. We also pray that God continue to bless St. Landry with such good deacons with a heart for service to our community.
God Bless!
Deacon Miller: June 27, 1977
Deacon Diesi: September 9, 2006
Deacon Joubert: August 18, 2012
Please remember them especially in your prayers on their anniversary dates. We also want to remember the two deacons who have served here at St. Landry and have passed to the next life: Deacon Carlo Cannatella and Deacon Arthur B. Lognion. We pray for their eternal rest with Christ and the continued consolation of their families and friends. We also pray that God continue to bless St. Landry with such good deacons with a heart for service to our community.
Father James Brady
The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.
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