The Pastor’s Corner
Last weekend, we welcomed seminarian Blake Dubroc at all our Sunday Masses. Blake is originally from
Marksville and just finished his junior year of philosophy at St. Joseph's Seminary College at St.
Benedict, Louisiana. He will be with us until July 15. We certainly appreciate him being here, and we hope he
has a pleasant stay while living here at St. Landry. Below is a short biography for Blake.
In our Corpus Christi celebration last Sunday, we included a Eucharistic procession and adoration after the
10am Mass until the 5pm Mass. Adoration was well attended throughout the afternoon. Adoration provides an
opportunity for quiet prayer in the presence of God. Although it is important that we bring our needs to God
and give Him thanks for the blessings He has given to us, it is even more important that we make the time in our
prayer to listen to God in the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This is best done in quiet reflection, especially in
the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
In Opelousas, we have many opportunities for reflection and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Besides the
times when the big church is open, here at St. Landry the Valentin Hall chapel is open during business hours
during the week, and we have 24 hour adoration every First Friday beginning at 7am and continuing until the
8am Mass Saturday morning. Queen of Angel's adoration chapel is open perpetually, so it is always available
for prayer. Our Lady of Mercy also has a visitation chapel (code is needed, just call the office) which is always
available. We are blessed in our community to have so many opportunities for quiet prayer with Our
Lord. Families that pray together, especially those with children, experience a greater peace and unity that only
God can give, especially when we remove the distractions of our daily lives for just a short period of time. Let
us all make a renewed effort to increase our prayer so as to better serve God and our community!
God Bless!
Father James Brady
To the St. Landry Parish Family
It is a great privilege to serve you this summer as your parish seminarian. My name is Blake Steven
Dubroc, and I am originally from Marksville, Louisiana. I am a graduate of the 2002 Class at Marksville
High. I then moved out to Baton Rouge in 2002 to pursue my Bachelors of Arts in Political Science at
Louisiana State University, graduating in 2006. In January 2008, I decided to move to Lafayette, Louisiana
to begin a new career. For four years, I operated my own independent insurance agency, BSD Solutions,
LLC. When I initially came out to the Lafayette area, I had no idea I was in the beginning stages of an
“internal conversion” back to the Catholic faith, and as I progressed in my discernment, I began to open
myself up to the possibility that God may be calling me to the priesthood. With the vocational call everpresent
in my mind, I decided to apply to St. Joseph Abbey Seminary College in Covington, Louisiana. In
January 2012, I entered the Seminary Priestly Formation.
This fall I will be entering my final year of Philosophy studies. So God-willing, I will be able to serve in the
near future as an ordained minister. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue in formation and be
assured of my continued prayers for you. God bless you!
Devotedly Yours in Christ,
Blake Dubroc

The bulletin for the week of June 09, 2013 has been posted.
Click here to see it.
The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at
our calendar here.
Updates are also being made to our St. Landry Catholic Church blog. You can get to the blog from the church home page under the Bulletins and News section or you can just
click here to go to it.
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