St. Landry’s feast day is today, June 10th. Who is St. Landry? St. Landry is a former Bishop of Paris, France, being consecrated Bishop of Paris in 650. On becoming Bishop of Paris, St. Landry saw the need of a proper institution for the care of the many sick poor of Paris. St. Landry built the first major hospital in Paris and dedicated it to St. Christopher. The hospital later changed its name to the Hotel-Dieu and is still open today. St. Landry is known for his generosity in times of famine and for his concern for the suffering poor. There are many stories that describe him selling off his possessions to help.
He is the patron of our church parish as well as our civil parish here in Opelousas, Louisiana. The Landry name is also a common surname for Cajun families in south Louisiana.
A Prayer:
Almighty God, you made St. Landry an outstanding exemplar of Divine love and faith that conquers the world and added him to the role of saintly pastors. Grant by his intercession that we may persevere in faith and love, and become shares with St. Landry in your glory. We ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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