Friday, October 1, 2010

Pastor's Corner - Father James Brady

This weekend, Bishop Jarrell addresses us about the Bishop's Services Appeal ("BSA"). Many of you have already received packets regarding this year's BSA. The BSA is the annual diocesan wide appeal which funds programs that help the poor and vulnerable in our diocese. As a practical matter, individual parishes do not have the resources to provide certain kinds of help to those in need, but with the pooled resources of all the parishes, the diocese is able to provide for those needs. One beneficiary of the BSA is our very own New Life Center here in Opelousas, which provides shelter and transitional housing for homeless women and children. Many of our own parishioners use services provided by the diocese, which are funded by the BSA. Let us respond generously to Bishop Jarrell's appeal for the poor and vulnerable of our parish and diocese.

Fr. James Brady

Jesus tells us “Whatever you did for the least ones, you did for me.” (Mt 25:40). Jesus knows that an act of generosity will satisfy many hungers and quench many thirsts for those in our communities who are most in need.

There are a number of priorities facing our Diocesan Church that no one parish alone can address. Some require the strength and resolve of our entire Catholic Community working and sacrificing together as One Body. That is why every parish participates in the Bishop’s Services Appeal, so that through our collective efforts, we can build the Father’s kingdom by advancing the work of the Church.

Please respond generously.