Friday, April 23, 2010

Readings and Themes for the Week of April 25, 2010

Readings for Faith Sharing
Week of April 25, 2010,
Fourth Sunday of Easter

Reading Acts 13:14, 43-52
Paul and Barnabas preach to the Gentiles.

Psalm 100
"We are his people, the sheep of his flock."

Reading II Revelation 7:9, 14b-17
The Lamb of God is our shepherd who leads us to life-giving pastures.

Gospel: John 10:27-30
No one can harm one of Jesus' lambs.


Jesus knows us and calls us.

Each year of this Fourth Sunday of Easter, we focus on the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd. As members of His holy flock, we open our ears to listen to his voice in the sacred word proclaimed this day.

Questions of the week
Question for Children:
Jesus promises to guard us like a shepherd does the sheep.
How do you experience his loving care in your life?

Question for Youth:
Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice: I know them, and they follow me."
How does Jesus speak to you?
What new path is he asking you?

Question for Adults:
What is your experience of being a follower of Christ, of being cared for and guarded with him as shepherd?

Bulletin Bites
"My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me."

There are very few family members or friends that we cannot identify by their voice. Jesus tells us that His followers hear His voice. Jesus also says He knows us. Jesus does not need to know our voice. He knows US! He knows what we need before we say it. But, do we know the voice of Jesus? And, what do we do when we hear the voice of Jesus? Do we hear the voice of Jesus in prayer, when we stop speaking and listen – listen for God’s will for us. Do we hear the voice of Jesus in our family, our friends, and strangers through the people and events in our lives? Jesus challenges us to be and to do all that God created us to be and do. When we hear ourselves saying, “No, I don’t want to love that person" or take that risk or challenge that evil, we probably just heard from God. How do we respond as stewards of our prayer life and of all that God has given us? Our first response may be “NO”! Our final response must be “YES LORD!”


Let your inner “sunshine” glow for others to see. Your hopefulness, peace, contentment, and comfort in relationship with God, and in stewardship expressions, shine as testimonies to the life you choose to live as one of Christ’s disciples.

Attitude, word, and deeds are visible “rays” of stewardship.