The Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence by Caravaggio, painted in 1609. Stolen from Palermo in 1969, whereabouts still unknown 40 years later. Click painting for more detail.
This week's homily by Monsignor J. Robert Romero was short but full of many powerful images. Monsignor closed with the following prayer:
Like foolish folk of old I would not be,
Who had no room that night for Him and thee.
See, Mother Mary, here within my heart
I've made a little shrine for Him apart;
Swept it of sin, and cleansed it with all care;
Warmed it with love and scented it with prayer.
So, Mother, when the Christmas anthems start,
Please let me hold your baby -- in my heart.
Sr. Maryanna, O.P.
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