Monday, August 24, 2009

Rosary today at the Father Lafleur Monument

We'll be having our weekly rosary at the Father Lafleur Monument in front of St. Landry Catholic Church. We begin at 6 PM. The weather should be very nice.

We use the Father Verbis Lafleur Rosary Meditations as part of our prayer. These brochures can be found at the church office in Valentin Hall or you can get there on our parish website.

Click here for the one side of the brochure.

Click here for the opposite side.

Below is the meditation we'll use today, Monday, the Joyful Mysteries. If you cannot attend, use them to pray at home.

Father Verbis Lafleur Rosary Meditations

The Joyful Mysteries

The Annunciation of Our Lord

The Angel said to Mary, "You shall conceive and bear a Son and give him the name Jesus, and he will be called 'Son of the Most High'" (Luke 1:32-32).

Like Mary, Father Lafleur answered God's call to become a priest and a chaplain in the U.S. Army Air Corps. May we also respond to God's call for us.

The Visitation

"Blessed are you among women and blessed is she who trusted in the Lord's words." (Luke 1:42-45)

Father Lafleur had a great trust in the Lord; may we trust as well.

The Nativity of Jesus

"While Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem, she gave birth to her first born son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger." (Luke 2:6-7)

Father Lafleur cherished 'his boys' with love and took them under his care. Like Father Lafleur, may we love all people.

The Presentation in the Temple

"When the day came to purify them according to the law of Moses, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus up to Jerusalem so that He could be presented to the Lord." (Luke 2:22)

Like Mary and Joseph, Father Lafleur presented 'his boys' to the Lord in the sinking ship. May we have an attitude of presenting the Lord to each person we meet.

The Finding in the Temple

"They came upon Him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. All who heard Him were amazed." (Luke 2:46-47)

Father Lafleur amazed many people with his teaching and compassionate love, and many conversions occurred. May our lives rest in God's teaching. May others respond to God's presence in us.