Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bulletin for the Week of January 11, 2015 - and the Pastor's Corner

The Pastor’s Corner 

We come to the end of the Christmas Season today in celebrating the Baptism of the Lord.  The Baptism of Jesus reminds us of our own baptism.  By our Baptism the Gates of Heaven are thrown open to us and we receive the Grace to live a Christian Life.  However, we must cooperate with our Baptismal Grace, that is, we must accept the Grace, as God never forces Himself into our lives.  We dispose ourselves to receive His Grace by undertaking prayer and the study of our faith and by practicing virtue.  In this way, we are "formed" into the life of Christ.  Christian Formation is a combination of study, prayer and worship (both formal and in the lives we lead) that directs and leads us towards Christ.

Our church parish provides opportunities for such activities.  We have two Come, Lord Jesus! groups that meet on Tuesday's at 6pm and Wednesday's at 5:15pm.  These groups combine prayer and scripture study that focuses on the Mass readings for the following Sunday.  For men, we have the "That Man is You" program directed by Deacon Joubert and meets Wednesday mornings at 5:45am.  Also, I highly recommend a yearly retreat for all as part of our continuing formation.  We have two groups, one men's and one women's, who make the retreat each year at Our Lady of the Oaks in Grand Coteau.  The dates of the retreats are in early March for the men and the week before Mother's Day for the women. Please call Andrew Guidroz for the men's retreat at 351-0732 and Yvonne Normand at 308-3474 for the women's retreat.  Let's make 2015 a year of faith for each and every one of us!

The Sanctuary Project Update

Just a note about the progress of the work on the Sanctuary Project.  I am happy to inform you  that we have completed the outside bathroom and it is ready to use.  It turned out beautifully, and we look forward to having the inside bathroom looking as good.  In that regard, we will begin construction on the inside bathroom this Spring.  It will not be usable during construction, so during that time we will use the outside bathroom.

On the flooring and the altar, our time frame has changed a bit.  The flooring experts recently recommended that we install the altar first and then tile around it so that the weight of the altar is not on the tile, as this could affect the expansion joints between the tiles.  Therefore, we are designing and ordering the altar now, and it will take 4-6 months to arrive.  Therefore, the tile may be installed closer to Summer time.

      God Bless

      Father James Brady

The bulletin for the week of January 11, 2015 has been posted. Click here to see it.

The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.

Updates are also being made to our St. Landry Catholic Church blog. You can get to the blog from the church home page under the Bulletins and News section or you can just click here to go to it.

Don't forget, we're also sending out live updates via Twitter. Our Twitter name is StLandryCath. You can see updates by clicking here.

And we're also on Facebook --- friend us! You can see our updates on our page SaintLandryCatholicChurch.