Friday, July 18, 2014

Bulletin for the Week of July 20, 2014 and the Deacon's Corner

The Deacon’s Corner 

While he’s on vacation, Father Brady has invited each of the Deacons of the parish to contribute to the bulletin in the section normally reserved for the Pastor’s Corner… It’s my turn…

In this weekend’s gospel reading, Jesus shares the parable of the Sower of the seeds with his followers. We are reminded that God sows good seeds continually, but that they are always being threatened by those bad seeds that are sown by Satan. We must be vigilant in protecting and nourishing those good seeds that are sown so plentifully.

   This summer has been very fruitful in our youth ministries here at St. Landry. Our very first Vacation Bible School was a big success. It was a joy observing our young people grow in their faith during this weeklong summer camp. I hope that even more of our youngsters are able to participate next summer! A few weekends ago fourteen of our teenagers attended the Steubenville on the Bayou Youth Conference in Houma. Once again, the pleasure of seeing the young people allow themselves to fully participate was well worth the sleep deprivation that the weekend demands. The speakers were amazing. The music was great. But overwhelmingly the participants shared their favorite parts of the conference as Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, and the Mass! Amazing, isn’t it? Steubenville Conference is a great way for our young people to jump start their spirituality. We must do what we can to keep this energy alive!

    Looking forward to the fall season, we are very excited about the beginning of a revised CCD format for our students and their families. Lots of prayer and planning have gone into this endeavor. Father Brady is committed to assisting families in educating their children in our Catholic faith through this home based program of religious instruction for elementary aged students. The high school program is also re-vamped and will consist of weekly classroom instruction. And there is more to come.

    Each weekend I can’t help but notice the increase in the number of young voices and yes, even a few crying babies at Mass… Praise God! He is providing us with the good seeds we need to grow as a parish community. Our children represent the future of our church. Please join me in praying that we are open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as he provides us with the fertile ground we need to foster the spiritual nourishment that our good seeds require.

Have a Safe and Christ Filled Summer,

      Deacon Dwayne Joubert

The bulletin for the week of July 20, 2014 has been posted. Click here to see it.

The calendar on the website has been updated with all events for the coming week along with prayer intention information and information on the second collection for all of the masses. Take some time to look at our calendar here.

Updates are also being made to our St. Landry Catholic Church blog. You can get to the blog from the church home page under the Bulletins and News section or you can just click here to go to it.

Don't forget, we're also sending out live updates via Twitter. Our Twitter name is StLandryCath. You can see updates by clicking here.

And we're also on Facebook --- friend us! You can see our updates on our page SaintLandryCatholicChurch.