Friday, September 10, 2010

Readings and Themes for the Week of September 12, 2010

Readings for Faith Sharing
Week of September 12, 2010,
Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14
The people worship a golden calf, and God loses all patience with them.

Psalm 51
“I will rise and go to my father”.

Reading II 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Paul, once the worst of sinners, is an example of Jesus’ forbearance.

Gospel Luke 15:1-32
When the lost are found, even the angels rejoice.


Come home! God’s forgiveness is always there. God forgives before we even ask for forgiveness.

Today’s Gospel offers us some of the most moving parables we hear during the course of the liturgical year. Let our hearts be gladdened by the stories of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son. Let these words touch our hearts and help us realize how great is God’s reconciling love for us.

Questions of the week
Question for Children:
The father in this story welcomed his son home, even after he ran away and did bad things.
How do you know God welcomes you after you do that?

Question for Youth:
The prodigal son was welcomed home even though he had sinned.
How hard is it for you to ask for forgiveness?
Is it hard for you to believe that you are still loved even when you have sinned?

Question for Adults:
When you wander away from being true to your faith, how do you know God will take you back?
What signs do you see?

Bulletin Bites
"I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him,
‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.’"

It is important for parents to tell their children, I love you! Parents nurture, protect, and provide for their children during their early life then become role models, teachers, and disciplinarians. That last role may cause a child to doubt the love of a parent... One young couple learned early in their marriage to tell their children I love you and to hug and kiss their children every day. Their children learned to respond. Later, when their sons and daughters were covered with dirt and sweat after a tough football game or other event, they searched out their parents to hug and kiss their parents to hug and kiss them and say I love you, regardless of how they played or the outcome of the event. The parents, children and now grandchildren, all hug, kiss, and tell each other, ! They all know that they can go to each other, when necessary, and say”, I have sinned against heaven and against you, and I am sorry”. They know they will be hugged and kissed and told I love you, no matter what they have done or failed to do. That is true stewardship of Christ-like love.